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Nursing Department

Nursing Department topics

Preparations for experience-based entrance to school
 Experience-based entrance to school of 2017 was carried out as a part of the morning of Friday, October 13 and the part of the afternoon, a department of the 14th morning of Saturday. I performed the prior preparations for document structure that I sewed the interval of a class and the lecture for two days, production of small tools, exercise or rehearsal every section to have a junior high student know the good Yanagigaura High School by the experience-based entrance to school of the Nursing Department. The students of each section were active led by a leader voluntarily and they pushed forward certain preparations and, in spite of short time, invited the day of the experience entrance to school.
★ I seem to confirm a manuscript and the movement ★
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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