Activity reportHome > Club activities > Activity reportClub activities report2024-02-062023 Oita Prefecture new face basketball meet (boy) championship2024-02-062023 Oita Prefecture freshmen tournament soccer competition man and woman couple championship2024-01-17Women's soccer championship third place winning a prize briefing session2024-01-04The 32nd whole country High School women's soccer championship semifinals advance!2023-12-14History of large straight tiger you "hayate 223" belonging to the baseball club joining an organization informal appointment!2023-11-19The 102nd whole country High School soccer championship Oita Prefecture meet championship2023-11-14The 34th Kyushu High School women's soccer championship whole country participation decision2023-11-12Oita Prefecture high school new face kendo meet2023-03-24High school judo championship national in 2022 in the 45th2023-02-07Okayama arts and sciences building High School soccer club Mr. Takashi Hirasei lectureRSS(別ウィンドウで開きます)See more