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News & Topics (2016)

Latter term student council officer election
 For latter term student council officer reelection, an attendance speech meeting was held.
 Chairperson = four, three vice-chairperson = boys, four girls, clerk = boy three, four girls ran for this student council officer election, and, for one week from July 11, election was active. I appealed for own thought with each candidate and asked for support saying it was with "clean one vote! ".
 In our school, I perform two times of student council election of the first half year, the latter period in a year, but I borrow a ballot box every time from board of elections of the Usa City and perform the vote just like the public performance.
 As for the result, chairperson = one, vice-chairperson = man and woman for each one, clerk = man and woman for each one are elected on the same day by the official counting of votes.
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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