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News & Topics (2016)

Green willow festival (part of the physical education) state
 Blessed with the fine weather that a typhoon of the day before was incredible, green willow festival (part of the physical education) was held.
 The slogan is piece (peace) ... that "kido I comfort" (kidoairaku) - each one is important. This theme was beyond the obstacle of a class and the school year and each one showed the greatest power that oneself had and shined happily and loaded it with thought to want to build up the athletic meet that remained in the memory.
 Each group developed an exciting game, and, as for the result, a red group won the championship. I make use of the solidarity power that I cultivated through an athletic meet in future school life.
 I had many people visit a school, and thank you for much encouragement.
Power begins a performance to a large number of guests and protectors
Power begins a performance to a large number of guests and protectors
State of "the opening ceremony"
State of "the opening ceremony"
"The yell exchange "by each group
"The yell exchange "by each group
"The yell exchange "by each group
"The yell exchange "by each group
It is "the cancellation" by all male students. It is not exaggeration even if I say an item to become incandescent most that the guts of the player clash head-on.
"The folk dance" by all the students. Are you slightly being tense a little? (#^^#)
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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