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Nursing Department

Nursing Department topics

Specialized course bus excursion
 On Friday, September 6, 2019, straight (specialized process student) went to Kokonoe dream University suspension bridge and Yufuin for Nursing Department four or five years. Some rain were curious weather, but were a good climate for walk.
 On the dream University suspension bridge, I enjoyed the bottom of the gorge under a superb view and the eyes of the circumference, the suspension bridge which shook a little, and the atmosphere of the circumference enjoyed trying it out in spite of being a last thing with it was Yufuin. I spent happy seven hours leaving.
 As for live (basic course life), a second grader goes for a school excursion on a bus excursion a third grader a first grader in February in November in February for Nursing Department 1, 2.3 years.
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
939, Esuka, Usa-shi, Oita