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The first half year student council officer reelection
 I elected an attendance speech meeting for student council officer reelection afterwards in the first half year. Two chairpersons, three vice-chairpersons, three clerks ran this time, and each candidate demanded support by a favorite speech including a performance.
 I borrowed a ballot box this time from the Usa City Electoral Management Committee and board of elections of our school became an observer and did the vote just like the public performance.
 The result was as follows by the official counting of votes on the same day.
 <chairperson>  taisusumi 2-3 Moe Takeyama
 <vice-chairperson> taisusumi 1-1 Kotaro Iwasaki nursing 2-1 Fuka Kaku (the confidence)
 <clerk>  taisusumi 1-3 tsubokonhiyukammamori 2-2 Makoto Sasaki love (the confidence)
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
939, Esuka, Usa-shi, Oita