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International course

International course topics

International course entrance ceremony holding

I held an international course entrance ceremony on Monday, November 30, 2020. I continued an online class from April without a foreign student being able to enter the country under the influence of new coronavirus, but all 18 people were able to finally enter the country. A ko* 岍 (kouchukuhin) from Hong Kong said hello on behalf of a new pupil and spoke an aim by the school life. As a Japanese ability examination has it on Sunday, December 6, I think that I want you to work hard at study more and more. In addition, NHK and TOS came for coverage from a journalist. The following is going to broadcast it. I think that you can see it if good.
NHK: 18:10 ... (color Oita)  20:45 ... (news 845 Oita)
TOS: 18:09 ... (yuwaku & News)
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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