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Activity report

Club activities report

The 32nd whole country High School women's soccer championship semifinals advance!

Soccer club for women
 The 32nd whole country High School women's soccer championship (from Saturday, December 30, 2023 to Sunday, January 7, 2024) held it in Hyogo and won against Shuutoku High School (the best representative in Kanto) in the quarterfinals and was able to advance to the first semifinals since wound region
  The semifinals face Jumonji High School (representative from Kanto second) in NOEVIR Stadium Kobe from 11:00 on Friday, January 5. 
  As the live streaming is carried out as for the game of the semifinals in U-NEXT, I would appreciate your support.
  The following becomes the meeting result until the quarterfinals. 
  The first round vs. Kasumigaura High School (representative from Kanto sixth) 2-1 
  Tachibana High School (representative from Tokai second) 1-0 attached to the the second round vs. evergreen leaves University 
  Quarterfinals vs. Shuutoku High School (the best representative in Kanto) 1-1 (PK5-3) ※The semifinals advance first since a wound part
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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