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News & Topics (2016)

Commendation, send-off party, athletic meet forming into an organization type
 Eight soccer club (Honoka Ito, Ai Sasaki pure san, current ayakasan for the Iwate National Athletic Meet started on October 1 from our school as an Oita Prefecture all-star representative for women
Aoi Furusato, Ueno lawn Ryo, Maruyama chisatosan, Hono Yoshitomi birch, Moe Takeyama), Ryosuke Adachi of the Karate department would participate and held a send-off party. "I win and advance to the next around of it, and Sasaki wants to gain a point of the Oita Prefecture one one with a friend." on behalf of soccer club for women Adachi of the Karate department said hello powerfully saying "I used up power and do my best.".
 I want to show power to be able to have as a representative of the Yanagigaura High School again as a representative of the Oita Prefecture enough and to try it hard.
 It is a part of the green willow festival physical education sequentially: I held the forming into an organization type of the athletic meet. I begin various approaches led by an athletic meet member of the executive committee, a student council from today. Everybodies than President of the Student Council Yusuke Morita of the whole school had an appeal saying "I will cooperate in the whole school to enliven an athletic meet." and did a leader of kakudan of a red group, the yellow group, a vice-leader, the election of the cheering party and the talks such as meeting of the new members, the support method.
 I will let it enlivens an athletic meet of Thursday, October 6 very much while each person plays the part including a student council, a member of the executive committee, a leader and succeed!
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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