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Nursing Department

Nursing Department topics

Day to think about nursing
 I added it and appearance school day on Nursing Department Saturday and, on Saturday, December 9, 2017, carried out a lecture as an approach of the whole Nursing Department on "a day to think about nursing".
 I had a lecture than chief of Nursing Department under the theme of "I think about a care ethic" in last year and, in this year, I invited a northern public health center health nurse and had a lecture on o theme about "HIV/AIDS and a sexually transmitted disease". All the participants listened attentively seriously, and many questions were provided again even in the time for last question and were able to spend time significant at all.
Students listening attentively seriously
Students listening attentively seriously
Overall state
Overall state
I listen attentively while taking the memo
I listen attentively while taking the memo
Address of gratitude to a lecturer
Address of gratitude to a lecturer
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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