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Nursing Department

Nursing Department topics

The third semester of the fifth grader
 The students who enrolled in integrated education for nurse five years in April, 2012 completed a course of 5 years on March 1, 2017, and they graduated. Long go to the actual place training, examination of the associate nurse, nurse national examination ... and one year of the end of fifth grader were one year when they did their best very much. I look back on the third semester of the particularly last year.
Thursday, February 9
 There was "the explanation of the class reunion" from chairperson of alumnus at Nursing Department saying "muki katenokokoro is poised to a national examination". There was the reassuring encouragement from an old-timer, and the feeling for the national examination further increased.
Thursday, February 16
 There were an associate nursing exam, the encouragement society for the nurse national examination. There were words, "I wanted health to give ability enough carefully." of encouragement from the Nursing Department chief editor.
There were words and "gancho rou three cheers" of encouragement from a vice-principal.
Friday, February 17
 For the examination of the associate nursing exam, I leave for "Holt hall Oita" of Oita.
Saturday, February 18
 For a nurse national examination (February 19), I left for Fukuoka. Much staff and a specialized course first grader prayed for a pass and, in spite of a holiday, saw you off.
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
939, Esuka, Usa-shi, Oita
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