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Basketball department joint exercise
 On January 7, Korea, slight sentence high school basketball club visited a school and performed a practice game.
 A slight sentence high school is a Korean high school champion team of the last year, is a high level size power together! It was the experience that "top-level, was equal or was valuable as for the play with the skilled player school called (by supervisor) more than it newly for substitute mixed seasoning our school basketball club in the team of the Japanese high school student even if I saw it at a national level via year-end WINTERCAP".
Let's expect it for achievement of the basketball club which made a start in the New Year for a basketball meeting Oita Prefecture qualifier in all Kyushu High School spring for 3.4 days in "(same as above) which we will plan an interleague ball regularly in future and mention language study, the culture of other countries let alone the reinforcement of the team and want to connect with improvement of each other's human beings" February.
Our school basketball club Director Nakamura (the left)
Slight sentence high school basketball club supervisor (the right) Kim
I take a ceremonial photograph in both teams players after the game
I take a ceremonial photograph in both teams players after the game
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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