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Nursing Department Visitation Training (specialized course fifth grader)
 In the students of the Nursing Department of the consistency, the go to the actual place training at hospitals begins with a first grader for five years.
The time of the go to the actual place training is as follows.
   School year Time  Training period
Basic course  One year The middle of December One week
Two years The mid-September and mid-October Four weeks
Three years The mid-May and mid-June Five weeks
Specialized course Four years The late January and mid-February Three weeks
Five years The early May and mid-November 16 weeks

The students unify the basic knowledge that oneself learned, depending on the object in every healthy level
For the purpose of developing the basic ability that nursing based on te scientific grounds can practice,
While receiving cooperation from Usa City, Nakatsu-shi, Bungotakada-shi, each training facility (hospitals) of Kitsuki-shi,
I work on go to the actual place training.

 After asking Nakatsu Municipal Hospital for cooperation by shooting of the go to the actual place training this time,
I was able to have consent willingly. Thank you very much

 I introduce a part of the go to the actual place training in the Nakatsu Municipal Hospital.
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
939, Esuka, Usa-shi, Oita
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