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2018. 08.22 Nursing Department summer campus 2018
 On Saturday, August 28, 2018, the cause of the participation of many junior high students and protectors was carried out "summer campus 2018".
The Nursing Department had the participation of many junior high students from not only the Usa city and the prefecture but also outside the prefecture.
Most people aimed at the nurse, and the "summer campus 2018" swelled with high will of the junior high student very much.
 In the questionnaire after the experience, there was the item which asked an image to "Nursing Department of Yanagigaura High School".
Most people put up "I can become a nurse at the shortest",
Of "student of the Nursing Department in which daily life going to school put up should need it"; a junior high student was a lot at all. I was glad.
I can ask about high Yanagigaura High School Nursing Department of popularity.
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
939, Esuka, Usa-shi, Oita
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