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Fire drill enforcement
On Thursday, December 19, 2019, I carried out a high school, a kindergarten combination fire drill. By the training that I assumed to be tsunami occurrence at 10:10 a.m., 570 high school students, 169 kindergarteners gathered in the ground, and then a high school student evacuated to the school building with children. The time required for the primary evacuation to the ground was 5 minutes 53 seconds. After having performed attention and contact for training, evacuation second evacuation completion that I derived children was 23 minutes 17 seconds. I was able to complete evacuation by 30 minutes that a tsunami arrived at it. As older brother and older sister were gentle in children, was fun, was popular as was glad. I will plan improvement of the disaster prevention awareness in future in our school, and education shop place ignorance works that children, a student, a student and the staff of a school are united and can minimize evacuation at the time of disaster occurrence.
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
939, Esuka, Usa-shi, Oita
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