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Basketball club championship!
 I got the participation right of the winter cup which was the second when it was four years since the last basketball club.
 I win and advance to the next around of it as expected with the quarterfinals, the semifinals in "the tenth whole country High School basketball championship (under an alias winter cup) Oita Prefecture qualifier" in the Daihatsu, Nakatsu-shi Kyushu arena on Sunday, October 1 and face a wisteria shade high school in the final. I won by a narrow margin of "89-85" in the game that I brought until extension and got the laurels of championship wonderfully.
 As a result, I participate in "a national high school basketball championship" to be held in Tokyo gymnasium from forthcoming December 23 as an Oita Prefecture representative.
 I would like support by all means! (please see More information here (Y sports 4).)
Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
939, Esuka, Usa-shi, Oita
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