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Activity report

Club activities report

Inter-school athletic meet Karate competition


"A high school synthesis physical education meet karate tournament national in 2019 "was held in 21-seiki-no-Mori gymnasium of Nago-shi, Okinawa on Sunday for from Thursday, August 8 to 11th. In our school, seven people participated in a men's team pattern practice with a partner competition.
The competition results are as follows.
 <men's team pattern practice with a partner>  
(the first round)   Yanagigaura X 2-3 0 Imperial capital Nagaoka (representative from Niigata)
※* : A victory, an X: Defeat
 Called the first match defeat turned out regrettable, but there was the provided thing. I make use of this experience and do my best for a new face war by a new team. Thank you for your support.

Yoshimochi Independent Academy Yanagigaura High School
Usa-shi, Oita 939, Esuka
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